Santa Monica Women’s Rugby Teams


Santa Monica Women’s Rugby Club has a Division I and a Division II rugby team in the Southern California Rugby Football Union. The divisions include teams from Southern California and Arizona.

DI & DII 15’s RUGBY:

Season: October 18 – May 30
Training: Tuesdays & Thursdays 8-10pm @ John Adams Middle School in Santa Monica
Games on Saturdays
DI Head Coach: Taylor Manavian
Backs Coach: Isadora Cerullo
Dues: TBA


Santa Monica Women’s Rugby is always welcoming new team members, regardless of experience. If you have never picked up a rugby ball, or you simply haven’t figured out how to put one down after a decade of play, we welcome you to join us. Players from far and wide agree that there is nothing better than top level, winning rugby in the beautiful Southern California beach town of Santa Monica. Intrigued?

Email our team rep, Anna, for more information: